Friday, June 09, 2006

Lucky in uni?

I have always beeen pretty lucky when it comes to university administrations. Manage to secures top 3 choices for my halls (Ahem...with some 'help' at times). Manage to get my perfect timetable almost everytime! I even got an Internship which gave me a decent allowance, though the job sucks.

So when it came to Final Year Project (FYP), I registered without much thought. Given 10 choices, I selected 5 (all hardware) and another 2-3 projects (just in case). The last 2 choices I just selected which ever projects I was seeing on screen at that time. I mean, if the algorithm was to maximise students' top 3 choices and there are TEN choice, I don't think I will get anything below my top 5 choices.

So how lucky am I....

I got my......LAST CHOICE.

I checked, re-checked, triple checked. I kept clicking the refresh button, but nothing changed. I got some project dealing with software programming of a autofocusing system. Well done, I hate software, I hate dealing with anything graphics or fourier transform and my project encompasses both.

I defend myself for making the last 2 choices by selecting whatever is on screen. There are tons of projects to see, 3/4 of which I did not understand what the explaination was about. I was tired and thought luck was on my side. Apparently not! 10 choices and I got the freaking last one!!!


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