Sunday, August 19, 2007

So many heartbroken men

Was out meeting my friends from NS and realised we were all heartbroken men. I have my own experiences and as I listen to some of their stories, I realise we are all so ruled by our heart.

Even the strongest love will leave once in a while; even in a serious and deep relationship. Even all the promises made will not mean a thing; afterall they are just words. Sometimes we will fall on the wrong side. Sometimes we are just too scared.

It's that effort to be there for the other even when they are not there. Believing that what you have will some way find the love that was once. Can you be humbled and acknowledge that you are wrong? Being truthful about what is going on deep inside you.

But sometimes when all is said and done, one must know when it is time to come back to reality. Have the courage to move on and not look back. Sometimes it is ok to be selfish, just for yourself since there is nothing left. Sometimes it is alright to make yourself happy and not make the everyone's problem your own. Such is a burden too big for a human.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes some things are just to complicated for us to figure out.

We,the emotional, are too ruled by our heart.

I guess the only way is to take out the courage to move on, or to hang on. Both require absolute faith and strength...

And somehow you can do it, if you believe in it. :)

- Pam