Saturday, March 17, 2007

Frailty, thy name is woman

The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.

Blaise Pascal (17th Century)

Freud is right, women do have a lower sense of morality. It is fallacious to regard them as rational, normal (by general understanding) human beings when they clearly are incapable of higher thought and reason. In them we find endless ground-shifting, the slanting of stances to advantageously suit the situation of the day. Acutely deficient, they do not subscribe to an independent, unchanging set of values or principles, rather their volitions accord with the waves and motions of an ineffable emotional state in constant flux, in which their actions are always validated in the affirmative. When faced with such a peculiar creature, one must resist any notion of cause and effect, because even though they are capable of performing simple logical deductions (often in the critique of others), one can observe the swift disposal of these same conclusions when they are applied reflexively, again through recourse to extenuating circumstances or, if all else fails, the unfathomable depths of their emotional abyss in which even reason is beguiled (unless of course, it is in their favour). Even their previous actions and judgments (often in the form of ethics, in which they hold exclusive exemption) do not form precedence for how one may anticipate or comprehend their discourses or conduct. If every man is an island because of the inability to express the parameters which define his existence, every woman is an island because there are no parameters, their beings and consciousnesses inaccessible even to themselves.

~Michael Ong~

Something a friend wrote about women. Such strong words can often come out after you quarral with a woman with no logic of reasoning. Here was what happen.....

Here is a guy and girl, but they are only housemates. The guy puts the toilet seat up to pee. So considerate since I know many who will just carry on without care if the seat is down. He flushes and leave.

SHOCK! HORROR! The woman stared at the toilet seat. She fumed as the seat was not put down. It was against human nature and natural order that the toilet seat is left up. Even God cannot do such a thing. She thought she had no choice, she had to punish the evil man. She left her long stands of hair across his room floor and keyboard. Littered the whole house with her sanitary pads and feminine powder.

The man tried to reason with her as the actions were just too extreme. She would not listen. The toilet seat must be left down as that was the only way the world works. It was like the compass always points north.

Why oh why. Is there no logic and reasoning left in the world?

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