Monday, November 06, 2006

The house

The man of the house is back for a short holiday.

He has aged so much since the last time I saw him. Suprisingly it is not 8months ago or 1 year plus ago. The last time I saw him was just 1-2 months ago. But I can see the effects of time, toil and hard labour on his face and body.

It really pains me that he has to go through so much for the family. I can only stand at his side, quietly watch him get lost in his own world of thoughts. Indulge in his interests in gadgets which sometimes I disapprove of the mindless spending.

It pains me to see the woman of the house suffer in silence too. I know I will not have her strength if I was in her position.

The house is in such a mess. So many strifes

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