Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Chinese New Year

What is Chinese New Year (CNY) to you? To me, it is a time of traditions. Timeless practices pass down from generations before me. And I am thankful of that. It is during this time, where I once again get a chance to mingle with my relatives; even those I seldom meet and talk to.

As most people will say, it all start with the reunion dinner. Since my sister's wedding, we have been having this particular dinner few days earlier than usual. This is to accomodate my sister, so she can eat with us and also eat with her in-laws. Dinner was ok, but the location of the table was not too good. We were seated right smack at the entrance. I feel that my personal space is invaded as people flow through the main door. The actual reunion day dinner consist of my mum and me, we went to a japanese restaurant for steamboat and bbq. The food was normal, nothing special and does not justify the bill. But my mum was not willing to cook for just the two of us. We went off to catch 'I am not stupid too'. My mum is a big fan of such productions, not me. Let's just say that the show is not worth $9.50.

New Year's day was just like normal, the way I like it. We visited my grandma (dad's side) before proceeding to my granny's place (mum's side). That is where I stayed for the rest of the day and even the 2nd day. Everyone I know will sooner or later arrive at my granny's place. Food as usual was abundant. Gambling in 2 main forms take place - majong and blackjack.

This year was a little bit special, my granny invited the Lion Dance troupe over to her place. It is suppose to please the Gods and bring good fortune to the house. Her place was a little small for the extravagant dance, so the 'lion' just stood at one corner and do his thing.
This year, lucks not really on my side. Sighh.....anyone wants to donate to my gambling funds? It is not for me to gamble, it is for me to pay my debts.

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