Saturday, October 29, 2005


Imagine my suprise when I say a funky shoe outside my room. Those wonderful colours and beautiful lines. It even had my name on it, how personalise can it get. I was smitten. I tried it on, but alas...the shoe was too small for my big feet. (And I could not find the right side of the pair)

A big THANK YOU to Can for the present. It is lovely....


Anonymous said...

YAYY!! a blog entry just for me!!! ask and it shall be given to you! red Nike Skate shoe! whoo !!

you are welcome you big fat GEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Can I ask for the real pair instead? Size 9!!!

Anonymous said...

GEEKS like you shld stick to wearing boring black oxfords.. or hush puppies shoes... BWAHAHAH